They find the devouring of one's enemies barbaric. They eat all manner of fruits and berries and drink wine made from grapes. They live in houses made of thatch and timber. Our new allies-the High Elves and the Khajiit-do not hold to the Green Pact. We have been amply blessed.īut now, we find ourselves in a new situation. Y'ffre has given us the limited gift to ask the forest to shape itself to our needs. In exchange for keeping to this Pact, the forest, which we call the Green, has provided us with ample food and shelter. When you conquer your enemies, eat their flesh. Do not eat anything made from plant life. The Green Pact is the agreement between the Wood Elves and Y'ffre that has guided our existence from the beginning of the great story. Just like trees grow toward the sun and you can hear different birds singing when the moons are out than when they are not, every Wood Elf born in Valenwood (and indeed, nearly every one born outside of it), knows of the Green Pact. About halfway between Seaside Sanctuary Wayshrine and The Underroot ( Greenshade).